How do you get your news?

In this chapter one of the points was the different mediums to obtain news.

I think the way our world is going we breathe technology and are lost without it.

I think it is a real shame how dependent our nation is on technology and it shows in the way we consume news.

Most people my age get their news from Facebook or Twitter.. Neither of which are ACTUAL news sites. They are social media sites, used for socializing! It blows my mind how many people use Facebook and Twitter as actually sources for news.

I encourage people to do their own research and don’t just go off what your boyfriend posted as his status because I guarantee your boyfriend doesn’t know what he is talking about.

I think young people especially need to make up for our lack of knowledge due to our obsession with technology.

We need to take a step back and look at other ways to obtain news rather than through the little computer we hold in our hand.

Pick up a news paper, watch some actual news on TV and try to education yourself on current events. Give i

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...

Image via CrunchBase

t a try!

Posted in CAT

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